Southern Horror Masterclass: Keynote with Grady Hendrix
Sat Oct 19, 2024 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Arts Center of Kershaw County, 29020
The keynote by best-selling author and screenwriter Grady Hendrix is now fully booked. However, a waiting list is available for those still hoping to attend. Seating may become available 15 minutes before the event on a first-come, first-served basis if any ticket holders do not show up.
Date: Saturday, October 19
Location: Arts Center of Kershaw County
810 Lyttleton Street, Camden, SC 29020
Time: 5:30 PM
Tickets: Free (Join the waiting list)
Ticket Holders: To secure your seat, please make sure to check in at least 15 minutes before the event. If you are not checked in by 5:15 PM, we may release your seat to guests on the waiting list.
South Carolina: haunted by the Lizard Man and the murderous Bigham Family of Florence, the rumored site of a secret Satanic convent that abducted young women and married them off to the Devil in the 19th century, and a key location in the supposed Satanic conspiracy to take over the Vatican. One of the only states to have a nuclear device dropped on it and survive, and definitely the only state where the governor’s mansion in Columbia once stocked its public pond with alligators. If anywhere knows about the gothic, it’s the Palmetto state. New York Times
bestselling author, Grady Hendrix, will take you on a tour of its haunted swamps and show how the Southern gothic isn’t a quaint literary backwater but a revolutionary movement that stalks the halls of American literature with blood in its teeth and scattering graveyard dirt wherever it goes.
Arts Center of Kershaw County, 29020