Night - 50% of our Natural Environment
Fri 17 Mar 2023 8:00 PM - 9:15 PM
Apollo Bay Senior Citizens Centre, 3233
Doors open 7:30pm, presentation 8-8:45pm, followed by questions.
What is the fastest-growing pollutant in the world? Plastic? Air? Water? In fact, its artificial light at night and it's estimated to have grown 10% year on year since 2011.
LED technology has driven a rapid uptake of light usage at night, and many see the advantages and take for granted the day-night cycle. As science and research is showing, these benefits don't come without a consequence, and we're now understanding just how important night is for plants, pollinators, birds, and human health and well-being.
In 2016, appreciating Australia's dark night skies, Marnie Ogg set about designating Australia's First Dark Sky Place in the Warrumbungle National Park, NSW, near the national optical telescope. At the time, there were 76 dark sky places listed around the world now there are over 180 around the world, with three in Australia and a growing body of advocates, tourism organisations, and conservation groups in Australia preserving the night environment.
Marnie is driven by her work as the founder of the Australasian Dark Sky Alliance, and director of Dark Sky Traveller. This talk is aimed to inspire you to get out, enjoy and preserve the wild and wonderful natural asset Apollo Bay has - darkness.
*Due to a booking error this event will be preceded by a
refugee film screening, talk with Richard Di Natale and dinner
fundraiser, guests are welcome to attend both events.
The evening will run as follows:
4.30 Doors open for ABRAR. Ticket sales and help-yourself tea, coffee, biscuits
5.15 Welcome and intros
5.30 Film screening begins
7.00 Discussion / Q&A with Barat and Richard.
7.30 Refreshments will be served - a selection of
Hazara-themed dips, bread and sweets, tea/coffee or glass of wine/soft drink
7.50 The ABRAR event finishes
8.00 Night - 50% of our natural environment with Marnie Ogg
All are welcome to one, the other, of both of ABRAR's or our events and are cordially encouraged to join for the refreshments between - ABRAR have kindly separated tickets for the "film & discussion" from the refreshments to enable people to choose which parts of this BIG NIGHT OUT they wish to attend.
To get tickets for the fundraiser film "Batoor - a refugee journey" and discussion with Barat Ali Batoor and Richard di Natale hosted by APOLLO BAY RURAL AUSTRALIANS FOR REFUGEES (ABRAR) please follow this link
Apollo Bay Senior Citizens Centre, 3233