Family Play Session - for children with additional needs & their family
Multiple dates and times
For families of children with additional needs and their siblings. To register with us, please use our Registration Form
These popular sessions run at various times during the week and must be booked in advance. The children have the opportunity to use all of the centre's specialist facilities as well as play with toys and craft activities. During the sessions parents/carers can have fun with their children, meet other parents and have access to information in the centre.
Once booked, tickets are non-refundable, but transferable to alternative dates. If cancelled, the booking will become void.
In booking this play session you are agreeing to the following terms & conditions:
Refunds & Cancellations
Once booked, tickets are non-refundable, but transferable to alternative dates. This can be done in the confirmation email received when the booking was made. If cancelled the booking will become void.
Adult and Carers Responsibility
Parents and carers are at all times responsible for actively monitoring their children, young people using any of the facilities in the centre.
Under no circumstances should any child/young person be left unsupervised in any part of the centre.
Please follow all safety notices and instructions.
Our staff will advise on the use of the equipment but can not take responsibility for those using it inappropriately .
If you see anything unusual, broken, or showing sign of wear and tear please inform a member of staff as soon as possible.
Sessions, Bookings and Admission Prices
SPACE reserves the right to change entry times, admission prices, party sessions or membership regulations where required, however we will provide as much notice as possible.
Risk Assessments
The centre has developed general risk assessments for using the play equipment, however Parents/Carers and Group Leaders must be aware of the needs of the users they are supervising and undertake any additional risk assessments as appropriate to ensure their safety. Copies of the centres risk assessments are available on request.
First Aid
First aid kits are available if required.
It is your responsibility to inform a member of staff if anyone in your care has an accident or incident, however minor – one of our staff will record the incident/accident in line with our health and safety policies and procedures.
There is a portable hoist available for use by parents/carers. We do not have slings, you must provide your own, and the use of the hoist is the responsibility of the parent/carer.
We want to ensure everyone enjoys their visit. Physical or verbal abuse of staff/volunteers/centre users will not be tolerated. Incidents may result in you being asked to leave and may effect your future access to the centre.
(note: The purpose of the charity is to be fully inclusive, we acknowledge that some users of the centre may have challenging behaviour and we want to support them to access all of the facilities please discuss any concerns you have regarding the needs of your child/young person and please be tolerant of the differing needs of the centre users).
Food and Drink
Only food and Drink purchased on the premises may be consumed, with the exception of a specialist diet or with permission of a staff member (as it is a high risk area for allergies).
No alcohol is to be consumed under any circumstances.
Please do not leave hot drinks unattended.
No drinks or food to be taken onto the play areas.
Any spillages must be reported immediately to a member of staff.
Our centre is inspected daily to ensure it meets health and safety policies and procedures and is clean, damage free and safe to use. We cannot ensure your visit is without risks but we ensure that we provide everything we can to minimise the risks that come within a centre like ours.
We need you to help us with this:
Please report any incidents or accidents so we can ensure we have helped any way we can.
No cameras or recording equipment should be used.
Any personal property is left at owners risks.
Thank you for your booking.