Timestalker, an alternative Valentines Film night

The Art of Balancing Dreams with Making the Bread and Butter

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We have two venues: John Street and The Goods Shed.
In John Street is the 7,000 sq ft town centre warehouse which hosts the gallery, project space, cafe/bar area and the SVA Artist Studios.
The Goods Shed is a Brunel designed industrial heritage building which provides a unique space for performances, exhibitions and film screenings.
John Street Gallery faces onto the street, where we hold our exhibitions and installations. Downstairs in the main building there is the project space which we open to the public as John Street Kitchen on Fridays and Saturdays, and it hosts many events.
The rest of the building hosts 30 artists, as Stroud Valleys Artspace (SVA) provides space for professional artists and presents a year round artistic and educational programme.
Stroud Valleys Artspace (SVA) is a registered charity and limited company by guarantee. It is supported through core funding from Arts Council England, Stroud District Council and Gloucestershire County Council.