What kind of future do we want?
Sun 3 Jul 2022 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM BST
Conway Hall, WC1R 4RL
Fast-changing technology might bring all kinds of benefits. Or plunge us into dystopia. At least, that's what Hollywood and Netflix suggest. How can we assess which future scenarios are truly credible? And how can we go beyond "future shock" at some of these ideas, to figure out which scenarios are truly desirable - and which others are to be feared? David Wood, Chair of London Futurists, will join us to help us explore how life could become significantly better in just a few short decades. He'll share his views about the future of health, the future of work, the future of communities, and the future of sustainability. Prepare to wonder!
As always, we'll hear a talk from a member of our community, and the Sunday Assembly Band will lead us in singing some rocking songs. Please stay after for tea, biscuits, and engaging conversations with members of our community. This will be a hybrid event, which means it will be held in-person as well as live-streamed through our website, https://www.sundayassembly.com. We will make a Zoom room available for livestreamers after the assembly has finished. Join the Zoom chat here: https://bit.ly/sazoomchat
Our assemblies are free to attend, but we kindly request that you support us so we can continue to keep it open to those who cannot afford to contribute. https://sundayassembly.enthuse.com/donate-oneoff#
Conway Hall, WC1R 4RL