Pride in the Moorlands second meeting
Tue 11 Feb 2025 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Buxton & Leek College, ST13 6DS
OUTSIDE want to invite you to our second informal meeting to organise a Pride event for the Staffordshire Moorlands this Summer! Through Pride we want the LGTBQ+ community to feel an increase in a sense of community, confidence, pride in their area, and themselves. Along with this for people to feel more connected to local history and events that have shaped the place they live. We know that Pride is an important aspect of any area and would be honoured to support one in the Moorlands, in whatever form that may take. If you are from the moorlands and have any ideas for a future Pride event, we want to hear from YOU! You don’t need any previous experience, this meeting is for anyone who is part of the LGTBQ+ community, along with those who are keen to support this community, who want to make something wonderful happen for, and with the local people. A 'Youth Pride' steering group comprised of 13-25 year olds will also be co-organising this event and that group is meeting once a month and will undertake training, visits, research, invite guest speakers, and reach out to other groups, partners and collaborators.
Also, a BIG warm hello from me, Sammy! I am very proudly going to be looking after the Youth Pride and Pride in the Moorlands project for OUTSIDE. I have spent many years working on arts-based projects, working alongside community groups to celebrate the place they live, the people they are and helping to make big ideas a reality.
So why not come along and let us know what you would like to see? Refreshments will be provided.
Where: Buxton & Leek College, Stockwell Street, Leek, Staffs, ST13 6DS
When: Tuesday 11th February
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
If you know anyone in the Moorlands that you think would like to attend, and contribute to the conversation, please feel free to send this over to them.
Any queries or questions, please get in touch at
Photo Header - Tristan B
Access Information:
Is there disabled parking and how many spaces are available? Can I book a space? – There is a carpark with access spaces please email so that we can reserve additional spaces where required.
Is there step-free access to the building and to the event, like ramps and lifts? – There are ramps from the lower area of site, no steps into the building and a lift to access the 1st floor where the meeting will be held. There will be a member of the OUTSIDE team outside the door to the building to greet you.
Is there somewhere to borrow a wheelchair or other mobility aids? – No.
Is there a quiet room? – There will be a designated quiet space called the print room adjacent to the main studio room accessible at all times.
Is the canteen or restaurant area accessible? – We will provide drinks and snacks.
Will information be accessible? Will there be a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter, audio description or subtitles? – Please let us know if you require BSL and we would be happy to arrange for an interpreter to attend.
Is there a hearing loop, also known as an induction loop, or Infrared?
Please let us know if you require a hearing loop and we will provide on request.
Are the toilets accessible? If so, what size are the toilets and what equipment is available? – There is an accessible toilet on the ground floor between the entrance and the lift.
For a virtual tour of the space (We will be in the Art & Design studio):
Buxton & Leek College, ST13 6DS