The Teachings of Tyr - Spiritual Warrior, God and Rune - Live Webinar with Imelda Almqvist
Thu 16 Apr 2020 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM BST
Online, Zoom
is the second on-line
class offered by Imelda Almqvist, in partnership with (and hosted by)
Christian Thurow! Our exciting (and extremely well-attended) first
tele-seminar introduced how the runes of the Elder Futhark can be
used to make sigils and even ‘runic vaccines’ in pandemic times. In this class we dive even deeper into sigil and protection work!
Many people master the runes only on a very basic level: they absorb the meaning most commonly attributed to the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark and perhaps do an occasional rune reading for someone. Only true Rune Magicians step through the cosmic portal each rune presents! In this class we wish to demonstrate how we find many dimensions of meaning and cosmic wisdom, “behind” every rune. Tyr is the name of a Norse God and it is also the name of a Rune: the Rune of the Spiritual Warrior! We expand our vocabulary for making Sigils by adding the multi-dimensional power of Rune TYR and related symbols.
Prophecy warns that the wolf Fenrir will, at Ragnarok, devour Odin, the Allfather and chief of the gods. Fenrir is one of the children of trickster god Loki. The gods allow Fenris to roam Asgard (the realm of the Aesir) freely while he is pup. However, the cute wolf pup soon grows alarmingly large and something needs to be done! The gods decide to tie Fenris up but he is not easily fooled and breaks free. The only way to tie him up is to ask the Dwarves to forge a magical fetter (called Gleipnir). Fenris will only allow the gods to tie him up with Gleipnir if one god volunteers to put his hand (or lower arm) in the wolf’s mouth as a bond. The only god willing to do this (knowing fully well he would lose his arm, is Tyr). And so it happens. Fenris is chained up securely and Ragnarok is kept at bay. This is how Tyr becomes the one-armed god.
rune looks like an arrow. It is the rune of the spiritual warrior.
Tyr essentially makes a personal sacrifice
for a greater good (maintaining
the current world order and fending off the End of the World). There
are strong indications that the Tyr rune is related to events
occurring in the night sky. Our seminar will explain why.
this time of Lockdown and restrictions because of Covid-19, we are
all making sacrifices. Many of us have lost many of our personal
freedoms while other people lose their lives. During this time of
global upheaval Tyr is the perfect ally. Working with both
god and rune Tyr
on a profound mystical level, we are taking into the place of
initiation, of accessing our inner strength and courage, our ability
to rise to the occasion and survive – just as Tyr survived this
cataclysmic event.
Our class will show you where Tyr (both God and rune) exist within ourselves. We will learn much about ourselves, spirit walking “on the wild side”. During years of teaching, on different continents, Imelda has never (yet) met a student who was not transformed by Tyr touching their life! Please join us and meet Tyr!
The webinar will be recorded and the recording will be accessible for all participants for 30 days.
About Imelda
Almqvist is an international teacher of shamanism and sacred art. So
far she has published two books: Natural
Born Shamans: A Spiritual Toolkit for Life (Using shamanism
creatively with young people of all ages) in
2016 and Sacred
Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit (Where Art Meets Shamanism) in
2019. She
has presented her work on both The Shift Network and Sounds True. She
appears in a TV program titled Ice Age Shaman, made for the
Smithsonian Museum, in the series Mystic Britain talking about
Neolithic arctic deer shamanism. Her third book: Medicine of the
Imagination - Dwelling in possibility (an impassioned plea for
fearless imagination) will be published by Moon Books on 30
October 2020.
is currently working on her fourth book, about the pre-Christian
spirituality of The Netherlands.
Informative blog on the topic of the runes of the Elder Futhark and how rune magicians in Scandinavia work with them: