THE HEALING GIFTS OF DYING: Pluto - Journeys into the underworld Astrology Magic and Ancestral Shamanism
Wed 10 Jun 2020 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM BST
Online, Zoom
In this experiential webinar, we will be navigating through our current cosmic tides, which are fundamentally dominated by Pluto, the god of the underworld. Pluto has just crossed the plane of the ecliptic (last time was 1930) and is powerfully aligning with Saturn and Jupiter, ending and opening new historical cycles. This is the deep catharsis we all feel, the ‘metabolic' acceleration of change in the world and our souls.
Pluto reflects the deepest core of our psyche, the shadows of our inner underworld. It is the power of transformation, the primordial pain, and ecstasy of dying and giving birth. The Plutonian archetype holds the essence of shamanic power, the initiation journey of confronting one's mortality, and the deepest fears–and desires–attached to it. Pluto teaches us to die for us to live fully. He teaches us to let go of the old, cleanses our deepest wounds, transforms, and heals from the roots up.
Connect to Pluto’s powers, along with those of Saturn and Jupiter, to consciously participate and navigate through his current decrees, to experience his inner strength, which, if used right, can heal any wound and turn any lead into gold.
The webinar integrates the knowledge of astrology with the use of shamanic tools and perspectives, to engage wholeheartedly with the prevailing powers at work, to increase and accelerate healing, creative potential, and inner growth.
The event start at 1pm EST, 6pm UK time, 7pm CEST. The recording will be available for all ticket holders for 14 days.
About Michael
Michael Ofek is a professional astrologer, writer, and instructor. He has been practicing/researching the traditional lineage of astrology with an emphasis on Hellenistic astrology and its connection with Greco-Egyptian cosmology, philosophy, and magic. He is also the co-founder of Urania, an Israeli professional astrology magazine.
About Itzhak
Itzhak Beery ( is a leading shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist, and author of three Amazon bestsellers books. Since 1995, he bridges the spiritual and practical wisdom his indigenous teachers entrusted in him with a powerful contemporary approach relevant to our stressful and unbalanced modern times.