Discover Your Life Purpose & Life Lessons: Hand Analysis & Shamanism with Richard Unger and Itzhak Beery
Tue 9 Jun 2020 8:00 PM - Tue 23 Jun 2020 10:30 PM BST
Online, Zoom
You are invited to attend an insightful and life-changing Worldwide online Zoom workshop with Richard Unger and Itzhak Beery.
Tuesday sessions - June 9; June 16; June 23
From 8pm to 10:30pm Uk time 3:00-5:30 pm EST (Check your local times).
will be calling on our spirit guides for insights.
And on
Richard's palm and fingerprints expert reading.
your life purpose - the reason you're living the particular life you
have is likely the single most crucial understanding you can ever
achieve for yourself.” Richard
The search for life purpose is as ancient as
civilization itself. We all ask, "Why am I here on Earth?"
"What is the purpose of my life?" "What am I here to
learn?" These existential questions are universal and are asked
by many people, often in desperate situations, who know, deep down,
that the experiences of their lives are not arbitrary, that there are
reasons, if only they could understand them - and then their lives
would have meaning.
Your life purpose is your north
star in the night as you navigate your canoe. It is the compass by
which your soul directs your life journey. It is the key to realizing
who you came here to be, and what you came here to accomplish.
NOTE: If you would like Richard to read your fingerprints, you will be sent–by mail–a special inkpad to take the impression of all your ten fingerprints, before joining the class. You will be able to email that back.
Cost $160
more about Richard's and Itzhak's work:
Why You're Here: Life Purpose
and Life Lessons – Itzhak Beery
Art of Hand Analysis: Presence, Precision, Seeing & Reverence –
Richard Unger
and Itzhak are available for personal sessions. Please contact them directly.