The Virtual 3rd Andes Summit 2020
Sat 20 Jun 2020 6:00 PM - Sun 21 Jun 2020 9:00 PM BST
Online, Zoom
In celebration of Inti Raymi–Father Sun Celebration–Solstice–join shamanic teacher and author Itzhak Beery, founder of Shaman Portal with nine most prominent elder Shamans of the High Andes of Ecuador. Meet: Taita José Joaquin Pinéda and his grandson Washington, Doña Maria Juana and her son Raul Yamberla, Taita Manuel Calazacon, Taita Alberto Taxo, Doña Maria Clemencia Sanchez, Taita Oscar Santillan, Doña Susana Tapia Leon, Taita Jacho Castelo, Taita Shairy-José Quimbo Pechimba.
The 3rd Annual Andes Summit, will be Zoomed directly to your home, as the shamans will lead us in ancient ceremonies and rituals–on Saturday, and will be sharing their sacred teachings–on Sunday.
Cost: $40 per person for the two days Andes Summit (3 hrs per day). A recording of the summit will be available for 30 days for all ticket holders.
Proceeds will be shared equally between the shamans, to support them and their communities during the difficult time of the CoronaVirus
Free gift: Receive a one year subscription to SPQR Magazine-Shaman Portal’s Quarterly Magazine with inspiring articles and art by shamans from around the world.
Bonus: Kichwa Teaching and a ceremony for the Condor & Eagle transitional time with Taita don Alberto Taxo on Wednesday, June 17 from 7pm to 9pm EST.
Each day the event starts at noon Ecuador time, 1pm EST, 6pm UK time and 7pm CEST and will finish at 3pm Ecuador time, 4pm EST, 9pm UK time and 10pm CEST. The cost is $40 for both days. Additional donations for the Yachaks are highly welcome.