NOW CLOSED - Renewable Energy for Surrey - Surrey Energy Partnership summer forum
Thu 18 Jul 2024 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Join us to find out what is happening on renewable energy in Surrey, and take part in the discussion about how to make this county more resilient to energy prices rises, and more sustainable.
Outline agenda:
- Welcome - Cat Reeby, Surrey Climate Commission
- Renewable energy in Surrey - Melania Tarquino, Surrey County Council
- Opportunities and challenges for local businesses - Nigel Newman, Raven Renewables
- Grants for domestic renewables - Laura Marks, Action Surrey
- Big plans at the University of Surrey - Avi Baidya and , SSE Energy
- The power of communities - Nicola Davidson, Community Energy South
- Q & A with all speakers
Surrey Energy Partnership (part of Surrey Climate Commission) is hosting this event. The aim of SEP is to accelerate the transition to clean, fair and sustainable energy across Surrey and beyond.