Energy Saving Retrofit for Surrey Homes - Surrey Energy Partnership
Wed 15 Jan 2025 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
In the last 18 months there has been a surge of activity in Surrey to help local people improve their homes to save energy and money. Many different organisations have all been doing their bit to help, including the county council, businesses, and local community organisations.
Join us to find out what’s been going on, what we’ve learnt, and where we go from here.
Outline agenda:
- Welcome - Cat Reeby, Surrey Climate Commission
- Home retrofit in Surrey: the County Council LEADs the way – Andy Gaisford, Surrey County Council
- The new One Stop Shop – Adam Wilson, FurbNow
- Engaging ‘hard to reach’ households – Cat Reeby, Surrey Climate Commission
- Getting local: HEAT and HEAT Plus – Anna Jolley, Zero Carbon Guildford
- Q & A with all speakers
Surrey Energy Partnership (part of Surrey Climate Commission) is hosting this event. The aim of SEP is to accelerate the transition to clean, fair and sustainable energy across Surrey and beyond.