Multiple dates and times
Airbound Arts, 98502
UPDATE: There will be 10-25 tickets available for purchase at the door on show night. Door tickets go on sale 30 minutes before showtime.
If the pre-sale tickets are sold out for that night, there is no guarantee we will have chairs available. There will be standing room and mats to sit on to the side of the stage.
is a live 90-minute multimedia video and aerial dance show. Through
creative use of screens, projections, and aerial apparatuses, the show
explores how technology mediates how we see ourselves and others.
Airbound Arts, 312 Columbia St. NW Olympia, WA 98502
Friday 1/10 - doors 6pm, show 6:30pm
Saturday 1/11 - doors 6pm, show 6:30pm
Sunday 1/12 - doors 3pm, matinee show 3:30pm
Sunday 1/12 - doors 6pm, show 6:30pm
Doors open at least 30 minutes before show time. Please arrive before the show starts!
Run time ~75 minutes with a 15 minute intermission.
General Admission - $35
Low income (limited to 20/show) - $15
Kids 0-12 - $15
Patron - $60
>> If you'd like to pay somewhere between Low Income and General Admission,
choose Low Income but add a donation at the bottom of your purchase! <<
At the door:
Sliding scale $15-80
"What is low income?" We have low income performers who need income from ticket sales.
Before purchasing a low income ticket, please consider the following criteria:
- Meeting basic needs like food, housing, and healthcare is financially stressful.
- Chronically unable to access a stable income.
- Appearance, health, ability, or identity impacts income.
- Qualify for government assistance.
** WARNING: This show contains lighting effects and fast paced video edits that may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Attendee discretion is advised. **
ADA: The
entrance to Airbound Arts is at ground level across a gravelly parking
lot. There are sometimes puddles at the entrance. Seating can be moved
to accommodate for wheel chairs.
Language: The show has almost no spoken dialogue- it is primarily visual, with music tracks and audio collages playing over a PA system.
Content: Surveillance
is not a burlesque show. It contains no nudity, partial nudity, or
sexual violence. It does feature uncomfortable depictions of the human
body, with performers wearing all nude colors, and deals with body image
issues. The show contains some videos of explosives.
Head over to to donate to our artist fund, contact us, or subscribe to the director's email-updates.
Cast & Crew: Emily Van Kley, Kate Schmitz, Mirrah Stoller, Elijah Smith, Samara Gonzales, Jake Fery
Featuring music by Gregory Bortnichak, Giselle Novarez, Caleb Peinado, Celestial Abyss, Sadfuk, and Mirrah
Archival footage from Prelinger Archives
Produced and Directed by Mirrah Stoller
Airbound Arts, 98502