Online Family Constellation Session
Sun 7 Jul 2024 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Online Family Constellation Session:
Join us on this journey to support an issue holder stepping into their courage to let go of obstacles that have held them back from stepping into their true and authentic future.
We all play a role in a constellation whether by representing a family member/ resource, or through our compassionate witnessing of the journey undertaken and promises made.
When we support others in this work we gain something special for ourselves - deeper understanding, compassion, dignity and internal strength.
Whether you are the issue holder, a witness or someone who participates as a representative, this work is one of the most potent ways I have come across to support us in letting go of family and ancestral, behaviours, patterns and loyalties that no longer serve us.
These 90 minute sessions, despite being held in the virtual world, connect us and enable us to move forward in more connection with our true selves, others and our deeper desires and purpose.