Chord Theory for Clawhammer Banjoists
Mon Mar 25, 2024 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
Review the common major and minor chord shapes in G and Double-C tuning and learn about the three basic principles that you can draw from when creating chordal harmonies – Diatonic harmony, the Circle-of-5ths, and voice-leading. Diatonic harmony centers on the chords you can build from the notes of a major or minor scale (Tonic/Dominant/Subdominant, or I-IV-V, etc.). The circle-of-5ths focuses on the relationships among Diatonic chords from different keys (it also serves as an musical “abacus” that helps you calculate nearly every musical relationship). Finally, voice-leading is your harmonic wild card; it allows you to go almost anywhere provided a couple of simple parameters are in play. Finally, we’ll look at how to determine what chords to use for harmony when you don’t know them in advance.