Undergraduate On-Campus Open Day - Saturday 15th June 2024
Sat 15 Jun 2024 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Swansea University - Singleton Park (SA2 8PP) and Bay Campus (SA1 8EN)
We look forward to welcoming you to Swansea University for an On-Campus Open Day.
What will we have on offer?
- Attend the Welcome Talk to learn more about Swansea
- Attend a Subject Session where you'll find out more about your chosen subject, meet academics, and see teaching facilities
- Get a real feel for University Life on a Campus Tour with a current student
- Take a Sports Tour with a current student to see the range of facilities on offer
- See what options we have for living on-campus with an Accommodation Viewing
- Ask us anything at our Information Hub
How does the On-Campus Open Days work?
- When you click "Reserve a spot" you'll find a list of talks and subjects available during the Open Day. Please scroll down to see what time slots are available and select what works for your visit.
- You are welcome to book tickets for different subjects, just be sure that you leave enough time to travel between them. This may just be across campus, or between Singleton and Bay Campus.
- Please check here if you're not sure which campus to attend.
- You don't need to book tickets for your guests.
Attending the Event and Getting Involved
- Your booking confirmation email will include tickets for each of the sessions you have booked, and they will each say whether they are on Singleton Park Campus or Bay Campus. Be sure to read the booking confirmation email to make sure you attend the correct campus for your subject session.
- Registration opens at 8:30AM. We recommend arriving nice and early to ensure you make it to your sessions with plenty of time.
- When you arrive you'll need to register to let us know you have arrived - just ask any ambassador or staff, or follow the signage across campus.
- Alongside the booked subject sessions, we have Campus and Sports Tours, Accommodation Viewings, and the Information Hub. These are all drop-in activities which you are not required to book onto prior to arrival.
- We'll send you access to a "Plan Your Day" website prior to the event, so you can start to decide how to best spend your day at Swansea University.
Please note:
- The health and safety of our staff, students and visitors is paramount. We ask that all visitors follow the instructions of event staff as required to ensure everyone's safety.
- Due to capacity issues in some venues, entry to some sessions may be limited to one guest accompanying the prospective student. We appreciate your co-operation to ensure that as many prospective students can join sessions as possible.
- All event details are potentially subject to change. Any critical updates will be sent via email.
- Please note that photographs and footage will be taken throughout the Open Day. These will be used by the University for marketing and publicity purposes across our publications, website and social media. Please contact the event organiser if you have any concerns. Please communicate with the filming and photograph teams if you wish to be exempted from this activity.
- If you are planning to take public transport to campus please look at the University travel advice pages
Our Applicant Privacy Policy can be viewed here
Our Parent/Guardian/Teacher Privacy Policy can be viewed here
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Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at eich croesawu i Brifysgol Abertawe ar gyfer Diwrnod Agored ar Gampws.
Beth fydd gennym ni ar gynnig?
- Mynychwch Sgwrs Croeso i ddysgu mwy am Abertawe
- Mynychu Sesiwn Pwnc lle byddwch yn darganfod mwy am y pwnc o’ch dewis, cwrdd ag academyddion, a gweld cyfleusterau addysgu.
- Dewch i gael teimlad o Fywyd Prifysgol ar Daith Campws gyda myfyriwr cyfredol
- Ewch ar Daith Chwaraeon gyda myfyriwr presennol i weld yr amrywiaeth o gyfleusterau sydd ar gael
- Gweld pa opsiynau sydd gennym ar gyfer byw ar y campws gan Ymweld â’r Llety
- Gofynnwch unrhywbeth i ci yn ein Hwb Gwybodaeth
Sut bydd y Diwrnodau Agored Ar Gampws yn gweithio?
- Pwn fyddwch yn clicio "cadw lle" fe welwch restr o sgyrsiau a phynciau sydd ar gael yn ystod y Diwrnod Agored. Sgroliwch i lawr i weld pa slotiau amser sydd ar gael a dewiswch beth sy'n gweithio ar gyfer eich ymweliad.
- Mae croeso i chi archebu tocynnau ar gyfer gwahanol bynciau, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn gadael digon o amser i deithio rhyngddynt. Gall hyn fod ar draws y campws, neu rhwng Singleton a Champws y Bae.
- Gwiriwch yma os nad ydych yn siŵr pa gampws i fynd iddo.
- Nid oes angen i chi archebu tocynnau ar gyfer eich gwesteion.
Mynychu’r Digwyddiad a Chymryd Rhan
- Bydd eich e-bost cadarnhau archeb yn cynnwys tocynnau ar gyfer pob un o’r sesiynau rydych wedi’u harchebu, a bydd pob un yn dweud a ydynt ar Gampws Parc Singleton neu Gampws y Bae. Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod chi'n darllen yr e-bost cadarnhau archeb i wneud yn siŵr eich bod chi'n mynychu'r campws cywir ar gyfer eich sesiwn pwnc.
- Cofrestru yn agor am 8:30AM. Rydym yn argymell eich bod yn cyrraedd yn gynnar i sicrhau eich bod yn cyrraedd eich sesiynau gyda digon o amser.
- Pan fyddwch yn cyrraedd bydd angen i chi gofrestru i roi gwybod i ni eich bod wedi cyrraedd - gofynnwch i unrhyw lysgennad neu aelod staff, neu dilynwch yr arwyddion ar draws y campws.
- Ochr yn ochr â’ch slot Sesiwn Pwnc, mae gennym Sgwrs Croeso, Deithiau Campws a Chwaraeon, Ymweliadau Llety, a’r Hwb Gwybodaeth. Mae’r rhain i gyd yn weithgareddau ble allwch chi alw heibio a does dim angen archebu cyn cyrraedd.
- Byddwn yn anfon mynediad atoch i wefan "Cynllunio Eich Diwrnod" ychydig cyn y digwyddiad, fel y gallwch ddechrau penderfynu ar y ffordd orau i dreulio'ch diwrnod ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe.
- Mae iechyd a diogelwch ein staff, myfyrwyr ac ymwelwyr o’r pwys mwyaf. Gofynnwn i bob ymwelydd ddilyn cyfarwyddiadau staff y digwyddiad yn ôl yr angen i sicrhau diogelwch pawb.
- Oherwydd problemau capasiti mewn rhai lleoliadau, efallai y bydd mynediad i rai sesiynau yn gyfyngedig i un gwestai sy'n mynd gyda'r darpar fyfyriwr. Gwerthfawrogwn eich cydweithrediad i sicrhau y gall cymaint o ddarpar fyfyrwyr ymuno â sesiynau â phosibl.
- Gall holl fanylion digwyddiadau newid. Bydd unrhyw ddiweddariadau hanfodol yn cael eu hanfon trwy e-bost.
- Sylwch y bydd ffotograffau a lluniau yn cael eu tynnu drwy gydol y Diwrnod Agored. Bydd y rhain yn cael eu defnyddio gan y Brifysgol at ddibenion marchnata a chyhoeddusrwydd ar draws ein cyhoeddiadau, ein gwefan a’n cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Cysylltwch â threfnydd y digwyddiad os oes gennych unrhyw bryderon. Cyfathrebwch â’r timau ffilmio a ffotograffau os ydych am gael eich eithrio o’r gweithgareddau yma.
- Os ydych chi’n bwriadu defnyddio cludiant cyhoeddus i’r campws, edrychwch ar dudalennau cyngor teithio y Brifysgol.
Gellir gweld ein Polisi Preifatrwydd yma
Gellir gweld ein Polisi Preifatrwydd Rhiant/Gwarchodwr/Athro yma