Unbox Your Words Writing Workshop - A Fairy Tales & Crime Mashup!
Tue 11 Mar 2025 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
Writers have been using fairy tales as inspiration for centuries, borrowing characters, structures and general fairytaleishness for their fictions, poetry, creative non-fiction, hybrids and beyond!. And when you think about it, don't many fairy tales involve crimes? Goldilocks' breaking & entering of the Three Bears' home; Jack's murder of the beanstalk-based giant; Bluebeard's heinous serial killing; the Snow Queen kidnapping Kai, and so many more. So it only seems natural to mash these two together and see what ensues. Come join us and see what you create in this collision, whatever word-shapes you want to write in!
This live Zoom workshop will be interactive, a combination of writing exercises and reading & discussion of a variety of pieces in different shapes and forms brought by Tania Hershman to inspire and pass on permission to mash-up fairy tales and crime to create new work or help you write something you've wanted to write for a while but were having trouble approaching directly.
Join live online at the time and
date shown using the Zoom link you will receive by email the day before the workshop. The workshop will also be recorded
for ticket holders who can’t attend live, who want to watch again, or who miss a portion of the event. The link to the recording will be sent out to all ticket holder the day after the event.