Using institutional data to identify equality gaps and evaluate interventions
Tue 28 Jan 2025 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM GMT
Online, Zoom
Join us for an online webinar on 28 January (10:30–11:30) introducing TASO’s Data Infrastructure Guide (DIG) — a key resource from the Institutional Data Use Project.
The event will take the following format:
- Introduction to the Institutional Data Use project
- Overview of how to use our Data Infrastructure Guide
- Q&A with audience
Who should attend?
The event is open to anyone interested, however, is particularly relevant to:
- Evaluators and practitioners working in higher education.
- Planning teams and senior management committed to equality and student success.
- Anyone seeking robust methods to generate causal evidence (Type 3) for interventions.
Date and time: Tuesday 28 January 10:30–11:30
Location: Webinar (Online)