Workshop: Portfolio creation for games artists
Wed 8 Nov 2023 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Teesside University Campus - Athena A2.05, TS1 3BX
This workshop delivered by three members of the art team from TT Games; Jade, Nigel, and Piotr, will aim to guide you through some tips and tricks of how to prepare your portfolio, along with covering preparation for applying for jobs all the way through to how to prepare for the interview.
The workshop intends to give attendees some helpful information to land that dream Job in game dev."
Jade Crosby is a Lead Environment Artist at TT Games. After graduating from Computer Games Art at Teesside Uni in 2014, Jade started at TT Games in 2015 and have 8 published titles to her name on 12 different platforms to date. A few titles she has worked on are LEGO Starwars, LEGO Incredibles and Suicide Squad: KTJL. Alongside her day to day, she is an ambassador for TT Games learning initiatives, helping their staff further their skills and provide support where needed.
Nigel Middleman is a Technical Art Director at TT Games. Nigel has been in the games industry for over 20 years, originally studying technical illustration which led to a start of career in commercial illustration for several years. From which he then moved into games starting as an environment artist before moving into technical art. Nigel has been lucky enough to work for such companies as EA, Activision, and Sony. Having the chance to work on IPs such as Need for Speed, Battlefield and James Bond. Now at TT Studios working on all things LEGO, the last project worked on being LEGO Star Wars, The Skywalker Saga.
Piotr Czternasty is a Junior VFX Artist at TT Games. Piotr moved from Poland to UK in 2020 to learn how to create video games. Since then, he completed his Bachelor of Art: The Art of Video Games course at Escape Studios, during which he discovered that Real-Time VFX was where his skills and passion are. He is now proud to be part of the industry that have been, and still is, bringing so much joy to his life, working as a Junior
VFX Artist at TT Games.
Booking is required as places are limited. This workshop is not part of the Animex Festival ticket.
Student concessions available but please bring photo ID as proof on entry.
Teesside University Campus - Athena A2.05, TS1 3BX