Workshop 3 - Things I don't want to see in your Game Design Portfolio
Wed 13 Nov 2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Teesside University Campus - Athena Building A2.08, TS1 3BX
Last year at Animex, Zaid Shaikh did quite a few portfolio reviews and he found himself giving the same feedback to most students e.g. students had a massive game design doc (GDD) of their project along with bigger writeups and not one video of their game. If there was a video of the game, it was a voiceless playthrough. As a potential employer, Zaid says you don't have the time to read through a GDD to understand someone's game and he would much prefer to see a voiced explanation of the game and their design process etc.
It's letting students know about those kinds of mistakes that can help their portfolio stand out amidst a sea of others.
This is a workshop for Game Design students.
Booking is required as places are limited. This workshop is not part of the Animex Festival ticket.
Student concessions available but please bring photo ID as proof on entry.
Teesside University Campus - Athena Building A2.08, TS1 3BX