Forestry Financial Incentives and Assistance
Thu May 16, 2024 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Hybrid: MOFGA Campus Library and Zoom, 294 Crosby Brook Road Unity, ME 04988
Join us for a discussion on available financial incentives and assistance with the Maine Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service! Financials can be a large limiting factor to stewarding your land well. Luckily, there are resources available - whether you need a new bridge, have an understory of barberry, or simply need an updated forest management plan.
Snacks and hot beverages will be provided to those attending in-person.
Sean Horan is the Climate Smart agriculture and forestry professional with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and NRCS. With a masters in forestry from UMaine and interests in silviculture and landowner education, he is excited to share current NRCS opportunities that are available to help manage your forest land. Sean will be covering NRCS updates and programs as they relate to forestry and looking at practices that can help address resource concerns on your land.
Allyssa Gregory is the Maine Forest Service’s District Forester for the MidCoast and Acting Land Owner Outreach Forester. She assists with regulatory issues related to NRPA and FPA, leads educational workshops, and offers in-person visits to landowners with 10+ forested acres. She obtained a forestry degree from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Her professional background includes rural forestry, urban forestry, horticulture, and structure firefighting. Allyssa is involved with the Tree Farm program as a certified inspector and serves as the chair for Knox & Waldo counties. She is a Project Learning Tree facilitator and can assist educators with natural resource based programs.
*This sliding scale registration is designed to make our workshops as accessible as possible by providing a range of pricing options, with a goal of ticket sales averaging in the middle. The recommended price for participation in this event is $5 for MOFGA members and $10 for non-members. Please pay what feels reasonable for you.
Questions? Email
Hybrid: MOFGA Campus Library and Zoom, 294 Crosby Brook Road Unity, ME 04988