Miso-Making Workshop
Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
MOFGA Campus, 294 Crosby Brook Road Unity, ME 04988
*Please note that in case of severe winter weather, this event will be held on January 19 at 1 pm.
Join Nicholas Repenning of go-en fermented foods for a miso making workshop and discussion about miso and its uses, as well as the history and cultural significance of this traditional fermented food of Japan. Having been produced for more than a millennium, miso utilizes techniques and relationships that have been passed down from generation to generation with little alteration. Learn why that is, and get to know the microbial partners within and around us that have agreed to carry on these nurturing relationships.
Students will mix and mash 1 kg of fresh, organic miso to take home and ferment in the comfort of their own homes.
This sliding scale registration is designed to keep the class as accessible as possible while also covering MOFGA's costs. Recommended price for non-members is $65; recommended price for members is $55.
*Scholarship funds are available to community members in order to increase program accessibility. You’re welcome to use the fund by checking “Scholarship/JP” at checkout. For any questions about scholarship funds, please email events@mofga.org.
Participants in MOFGA’s Journeyperson program are welcome to register at no-cost.
Questions? Email events@mofga.org.
MOFGA Campus, 294 Crosby Brook Road Unity, ME 04988