The Angus Show
Sat 8 Jun 2024 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Brechin Castle Showfield, DD9 6RL
- Adult (16yrs+) - £12.00 plus booking fee
- Concessions & Children 15 & under, go free when accompanied by a paying adult but please note you will still require to book a ticket even though it is FREE.
There is cash and card facilities to pay at the gate on show day.
The Angus Show is a great family day out! We have main ring entertainment, children's races, bouncy castles plus much much more!
Also expect to see showing classes for cattle, sheep, horses, goats and dogs.
There will be a very impressive display at The Truck Show and Vintage Vehicles.
The Show is run by volunteers and its aim is to promote agriculture in the Angus area. We encourage individuals to become involved either as a new committee member, a volunteer to help set up or steward on the day. Help is needed in many areas and always much appreciated!
Brechin Castle Showfield, DD9 6RL