Any Horse Any Rider Clinic with Caroline Meads BHSI
Tue 21 Jan 2025 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM GMT
Forest Edge Arena, PE37 8AS
Training Clinic with coach: Caroline Meads BHSI
Flatwork training in the morning with jumping/pole work in the afternoon.
The café is open so why not come for the day and do a morning and an afternoon session. Day stables are available for your horse to relax while you enjoy your lunch.
These are friendly and relaxed group sessions that last approx. 1hr and there will be a maximum of 4 riders per group.
Times and groups are given out 3-5 days before.
When you book please give an honest description of yours and your horses' capabilities/experience inc the level of flatwork that you are working at and the height of fences (if applicable) that you are happy jumping to allow me to sort the groups accordingly.
One group session is £35
Two group sessions on the same day are £60.
PLEASE NOTE* No refunds/transfers will be given if you are unable to attend for any reason, unless I can fill your place.
Forest Edge Arena, PE37 8AS