Carbon Literacy for the Cultural Sector: Shareable Courses Launch
Mon 24 Feb 2025 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
Culture Shareable Courses Launch
The Carbon Literacy Project is excited to announce the launch of six ready-to-use Carbon Literacy courses that can be used to deliver internal Carbon Literacy training within archives, heritage organisations, libraries, theatres, public leisure/culture trusts and in the cultural sector in Manchester. Join us for this online launch event, where we’ll be joined by the course creators and people who have been delivering the courses. We’ll hear about the creators’ ambitions for the courses, how to access them, and how they can be used.
What is Carbon Literacy?
Carbon Literacy is a day’s worth of climate learning and action, that aims to equip individuals, communities and organisations with the knowledge, motivation and skills needed to take meaningful action on climate change.
Carbon Literacy training can create a cultural shift within organisations by educating staff on emissions reduction and inspiring positive climate action.
What is a Shareable Course?
A Shareable Course is a ready-to-use, accredited Carbon Literacy training resource that has been designed to be used for training within a specific sector or setting.
Cultural organisations play a significant role within their communities, and their staff having access to high quality climate change education would have a big impact. The six Shareable Courses will make it easy for internal Carbon Literacy training to take place, helping organisations engage with climate change, speak to audiences, and reduce their emissions. The courses offer an affordable and flexible solution to taking climate action.
Who are the Shareable Courses for?
The six Shareable Courses have been produced for staff and volunteers working in:
- Archives (developed by The National Archives)
- Heritage organisations (developed by Historic England)
- Libraries (developed by The National Library of Scotland)
- Public Leisure/Culture Trusts (developed by Community Leisure UK)
- Theatres (developed by Bristol Old Vic)
- Cultural organisations working in Greater Manchester (developed by GMAST)
Event details
We would like to invite you to join us on 24th February 11-12:30 for an online event to celebrate the launch of the Cultural Sector Shareable Courses. Do come along to meet, connect and be inspired by our Shareable Course Creators and Leaders as they explore how and why they developed their courses and what inspired them to make them accessible for the rest of the sector. There will also be an opportunity for attendees to participate in a Q&A with the Carbon Literacy Project Culture Team and the Shareable Course Creators and Leaders.
Book your free ticket today!
We look forward to supporting you on your Carbon Literacy journey.
If you have any questions about this event, please get in touch with