The Story of Lot's Wife
Multiple dates and times
the cell theatre, 10011
THE STORY OF LOT'S WIFE is a performer-less play, much like a Catholic Stations of the Cross, that re-centers the biblical story of Lot and his family onto the character of Lot’s Wife. In this re-centering the unnamed woman is not turned into salt, she chooses to become it to preserve the historical traumas the Sodomites, and all queer people, have endured. In this private and introspective piece individual “pilgrims” are welcomed into a curving, blue velvet-lined space and receive a booklet of poems exploring queer identity, memory, and loss through the lens of Lot’s Wife. The piece moves through the shrine welcoming audience members to complete a series of actions with water, salt, text, and their own memories.
Text, design, and construction by Dan Daly and Ofo Theater
Lighting Design by Zoe Griffith
Developed and funded in part through a residency at Nancy Manocherian's the cell theatre
This experience is for one audience member at a time and lasts approximately 15 minutes.
Tickets begin at $10 and are sliding scale. Your experience does not change depending on your admission price.
the cell theatre, 10011