Learn how to have better conversations about climate change with people in your community
Mon 20 May 2024 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM BST
Great Big Green Week is firmly on the horizon and we’re sure that many of you will already be speaking up about the events and activities you have planned.
But what about talking about climate change more broadly? We know it can be tricky - many of us worry about how to bring it up, about coming across as judgemental or not feeling ‘expert’ enough.
These barriers mean that we stay silent or get into discussions which leave us feeling bruised or frustrated - but if we want to increase support for climate action, we have to keep talking about it!
This is why we’ve teamed up with Larger Us - a coalition member - to offer you a workshop to help you to build your climate conversation skills and confidence to speak up.
Larger Us is already working in partnership with some fantastic organisations to deliver this training to their members (including UNISON, the Women’s Institute, and The Wildlife Trusts) and the feedback has been excellent.
A recent participant from climate campaigners Parents For Future said: “It was really uplifting. I feel motivated to have these conversations now. The 5 principles were just what I needed - some really great starter points to help break that barrier down.”
So join us on Monday 20th May 2024 from 6pm-8pm to learn:
Why conversations are so important and how they can lead to increased public engagement in climate action and stronger demands from our politician
How to get conversations started centred on the things people care about - like jobs, the cost of living, energy bills or public transport.
New skills to help you really understand the other person’s point of view and keep the conversation on a positive trajectory.
This is a brilliant opportunity to take part in practical training that will support your work and to build relationships with other GBGW event organisers and participants.
We hope to see you there.
Places are limited so please reserve your space now!