Playing With What We Love Most (Cycle 2)
Sun Nov 7, 2021 10:00 AM - Wed Nov 10, 2021 12:00 PM EST
Online, Zoom
DATES: Cycle 2: Nov 7, 14, 21, Dec 5 (4 sessions)
TIME: Sundays 10am-12pm EST
TUITION: $250 Early Bird Registration before Sept 27
(please contact us for sliding scale tuition options)
What do you love the most? Have you given yourself to it, and if not, why? What dampens that fire? What is possible when it is sparked more?
In this brand new month-long series, we will be playing with what we love the most. We will court them, play with them and likely be enthralled by what we found.
This series will be most suitable for those who are contemplating a change, such as browsing around for new places to live or work with. It is also for those who have been going through a transition, exploring a different way of life that goes beyond the usual mode of productivity and achievements.
What we love the most is often elusive, and its very elusive nature is what makes the play so tantalizing. Sure you’ve heard of the infamous line "do what you love", but what if it really is "flirt with what you might love?"
Finding your passion isn't a serious business. It really is a risky play.
Somehow in the course of life, we lose touch with that vitality, what the Greek once calls "eros". If you ever felt meh and want a reset button, this series is for you. It will rekindle that fire, reboot your adventurous side that WE ALL KNOW YOU HAVE BUT ALAS WHERE IS IT NOW, make you laugh and facepalm. You will leave the series with a new affair for that elusive thing called "what you love". Who knows, you might get into a romance with it :-)
HOW? The special aphrodisiac for this includes:
Courtly Questions: Question is the way to organize the unknown. If what we love remains elusive, we will need suggestive questions that will coach and coax out your core.
Embodiment: physical engagement to lure yourself out of mehness, making sure you don’t just love the idea but also know intimately the sensations of that which you love.
Collective Presence: through the practice of circling, we will closely accompany each other to spark the aliveness already here, the eros of life.
In between sessions, we will have a few sign spotting games to continue brewing your insights on that which you love and a dedicated group conversational channel to share them.