Northern Seed Trainees - visit to Lancaster Seed Library and Claver Hill Growing Site
Sat 17 Aug 2024 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM
A trip for the northern England seed trainees to Lancaster Seed Library, and the associated Claver Hill growing site. We will be guided on our day by Dennis Touliatos, who together with a small group, initiated and runs one of the UK's longest and most established seed libraries in Lancaster.
Seed for the library is produced at the Claver Hill growing site, and we'll have an opportunity to see some of this activity too.
The group also offers training opportunities, runs a Potato Day and several seed-related harvesting and processing days throughout the year.
This will be a great opportunity to find out more about seed initiatives that you might wish to replicate locally, see seed production in action and quiz Dennis and his team about the challenges and opportunities of making good quality seed available in a community setting.
More info about Lancaster Seed Library can be found here.
Further details, including the meeting location, transport arrangements and what to bring, will be confirmed nearer the time.