Bikablo® Basics 2-Day Visual Facilitation Training - Online (10:00 am to 6:00 pm AEDT)
Mon 2 Dec 2024 10:00 AM - Tue 3 Dec 2024 6:00 PM AEDT
Online, Zoom
Learn how to communicate with visualisation and visual facilitation techniques that will bring your content, meetings and processes alive using the bikablo® technique.
What to expect
The training is held online via ZOOM, over 2 full days.
In a safe, relaxed environment, we focus on the basics of drawing and the use of imagery in visual language.
Your trainer will carefully guide you step by step through the bikablo® technique. The training is fun, hands-on and participative. You will be working individually and in small groups and there will be plenty of time to answer your questions and help you with your progress.
This training will be in English with a maximum of 10 participants to support an optimal learning experience.
Your trainer
Marc Hundleby, bikablo® global trainer for Australia and New Zealand.
Visit the website | The Humble PM - for more information.
Holding the pen and drawing bold, confident lines: How to draw clear lines and structure the space on the page.
Graphics and text containers: How to create simple arrows and connecting elements from basic geometric shapes to present related topics. Which text containers (e.g. speech bubbles) support different messages.
Objects and symbols: How to draw simple symbols to underline messages, what information is essential and what can be left out.
Figures: Quick and easy ways to draw people, roles, groups and situations.
Colour and space: Simple and quick ways to colour elements and spaces that support the overall message and structure.
Writing: How to improve your handwriting to make it more legible and attractive.
Live recording: How to capture information rapidly and present it in a logical and informative way. (Useful for Thought Sketching or entry-level Graphic Recording).
Posters and layouts: Combine all ingredients (graphics, symbols, figures, containers and colour) to create visual translations of content and structure meaningful information for different purposes. (These can be used immediately in your workplace/real situations!)
December 2024 Class:
- Day 1 – Monday, 2nd December 2024 09:45 a.m. AEDT * Day 1 starts at 09:45 for technology and environment optimisation
- Day 2 – Tuesday, 3rd December 2024 10:00 a.m. AEDT
What’s included
Bikablo® StarterSet
Every participant receives an official StarterSet which includes: four visualization markers and two Starter Booklets (in English) that summarize the principles, content, and techniques of the training.
Bonus: For the online training you will also receive:
- A set of coloured BigOne markers
- A set of Chalk Pastel
- A bottle of Outliner ink
- Flip Chart Paper Pad
Photo documentation
Photos of the training will be provided to participants in a digital format after the workshop to use as a training reference.
Training Certificate
A certificate confirming your participation in the training and a list of the content covered in the course.
Bikablo® Community
An invitation to join the bikablo® alumni online community where you can find further readings, links, tips, tricks and opportunities to exchange ideas with other participants.
Neuland® Voucher
bikablo® has an agreement with Neuland. Upon completion of the training course, you will receive a one-time 15% discount on a range of their products (excl. books; cannot be used in combination with other offers or discounts).
bikablo® Copyright & Usage
The bikablo® technique and our training concepts are protected by copyright. As a participant, you acquire the right to use the imagery, drawing techniques and visualisation methods you have learned for your own work.
Should you be interested in passing on the bikablo® technique to others or running training sessions based on the bikablo® training concept, please get in touch with us.