Colocwiwm YGC 2024 | ECR Colloquium 2024
Tue 18 Jun 2024 9:15 AM - 4:00 PM
Neuadd Reichel | Reichel Hall, LL57 2TR
[For English, see below]
Y thema ar gyfer y Colocwiwm eleni yw ‘Cymru Gysylltiedig’. Dewiswyd y thema hon i adlewyrchu ein hymrwymiad i ddatblygu rhwydwaith ymchwil cydlynol a rhyngddisgyblaethol yng Nghymru, ac i gysylltu ymchwil yng Nghymru â pholisi ac ymarfer.
Mae’r Colocwiwm wedi’i lunio ar y cyd gyda’n Llysgenhadon Ymchwilwyr Gyrfa Gynnar a chyda chymorth ein Grŵp Cynghori ar gyfer Datblygu Ymchwilwyr. Bydd yn cynnwys sgyrsiau-fflach a phosteri ymchwil Ymchwilwyr Gyrfa Gynnar rhyngddisgyblaethol. Bydd y rhain yn archwilio sut all yr ymchwil hwn lywio gwybodaeth am yr egwyddorion llesiant a nodir yn y Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015. Bydd gweithdai dan arweiniad Ymchwilwyr Gyrfa Gynnar hefyd yn cael eu cynnal drwy gydol y bore ar effaith, ymgysylltiad a dulliau ymchwil. Bydd y prynhawn yn cynnwys trafodaeth banel rhyngweithiol dwy awr ar sut i ysgrifennu ceisiadau cystadleuol am gyllid. Caiff hon ei chynnal gan Gymrodorion y Gymdeithas a siaradwyr sy’n arbenigo mewn ceisiadau am grantiau, yn cynnwys Prif Ymchwilydd profiadol, ysgrifenwyr cynigion a chynrychiolwyr o gyrff ariannu’r DU. Bydd gwobrau’n cael eu dyfarnu i’r sgyrsiau fflach a phosteri ymchwil gorau.
Rydym yn falch iawn o gynnal ein hail Golocwiwm mewn partneriaeth â'r Gwasanaeth Cymorth Ymchwil ac Effaith Integredig (IRIS) ym Mhrifysgol Bangor, a obeithiwn y byddwch yn gallu mynychu diwrnod o rwydweithio a chyfnewid gwybodaeth wedi’i hwyluso gan aelodau'r Rhwydwaith YGC.
Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am ein Rhaglen Colocwiwm ar gael yma.
Mae cofrestru ar gyfer y Colocwiwm yn agor ar 10/05/2024, drwy Ticket Tailor. Mae nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd ar gael i fynychu’r Colocwiwm ac rydym yn annog unrhyw un sy’n dymuno bod yn bresennol i sicrhau eu lle cyn gynted â phosibl er mwyn osgoi cael eu siomi.
Wrth archebu, fe'ch anogir i ddewis y cynigion sy'n cyfateb orau i'ch anghenion. Sylwch y bydd rhai o'r cynigion yn destun ffi, i'w dalu ar adeg archebu. Er mwyn gwneud y digwyddiad mor hygyrch â phosibl ar gyfer YGCs, mae cofrestru ar gyfer y Colocwiwm yn rhad ac am ddim. Bydd Rhwydwaith YGC LSW hefyd yn cefnogi YGCs trwy ddarparu opsiynau teithio a llety rhesymol a bydd bwrsariaethau cyfyngedig ar gael ar gais (gweler y manylion isod).
Mae’r cynigion sydd ar gael fel a ganlyn:
- Colocwiwm, Mynediad Cyffredinol – Am Ddim
Mae cofrestru ar gyfer y Colocwiwm yn cynnwys mynediad i sesiynau cynhadledd, cinio a lluniaeth. - Llety Dros Nos - £40
Mae llety dros nos ar gyfer y noson cyn y Colocwiwm (17 Mehefin) ar gael ar y safle yn neuaddau'r brifysgol, dim ond taith gerdded fer o'r ganolfan Colocwiwm. - Gwasanaeth Bws o Caerdydd - £10
Bydd y bws yn gadael am 1:00pm o Brif Gampws Prifysgol Caerdydd ddydd Llun 17 Mehefin ac yn dychwelyd o Fangor am 4.15pm unwaith y bydd y Colocwiwm wedi cau ddydd Mawrth 18 Mehefin.
Bwrseriathau Teithio a Llety
Mae gennym nifer cyfyngedig o fwrsariaethau teithio a llety ar gael ar gyfer y rhai sy’n mynychu’r Colocwiwm sy’n dod o sefydliadau yng Nghymru, felly sicrhewch eich bod yn dewis y tocyn cywir pan fyddwch yn cofrestru sy’n cyd-fynd â’ch anghenion.
Mae llety dros nos ar gyfer y noson cyn y Colocwiwm (17 Mehefin) ar gael ar y safle yn neuaddau’r brifysgol, sy’n agos iawn ar droed at y ganolfan gynadledda. Tra ein bod yn sybsideiddio'r digwyddiad, gofynnwn i chi dalu £40 tuag at y ffi archebu llety. Os na allwch dalu'r ffi hon, rhowch wybod i ni. Gweler ein ‘Polisi Canslo’ am ragor o wybodaeth.
Mae bws wedi’i drefnu’n ogystal ar gyfer y rhai sy’n teithio o dde Cymru. Bydd y bws yn gadael Prif Gampws Prifysgol Caerdydd am 1:00pm ddydd Llun 17 Mehefin ac yn dychwelyd o Fangor am 4:15pm ar ôl i’r Colocwiwm ddod i ben ddydd Mawrth 18 Mehefin. bydd angen talu £10 ar adeg cofrestru, ac nid oes modd rhoi ad-daliad am y ffi hon.
Os oes angen cyllid arnoch ar gyfer trefniadau trafnidiaeth gwahanol i fynychu’r Colocwiwm, dylech gysylltu â ni cyn cofrestru er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn gallu talu’ch costau.
Mae nifer y lleoedd ar gyfer yr opsiynau trafnidiaeth a llety yn brin, a chânt eu dyrannu ar sail y cyntaf i'r felin.
Bydd lluniau’n cael eu tynnu drwy gydol y digwyddiad. Os nad ydych yn dymuno cael eich cynnwys yn y lluniau, rhowch wybod i’r ffotograffydd neu aelod arall o staff.
Polisi Canslo
Os na allwch fynychu'r Colocwiwm bellach, rhowch wybod i ni cyn gynted â phosibl. Gallwch dderbyn ad-daliad rhannol (£30) os ydych wedi archebu Llety ac wedi rhoi gwybod i ni am eich canslo yn ysgrifenedig/drwy e-bost cyn 10 Mehefin. Ni ellir ad-dalu ffioedd trosglwyddo bysiau.
Sylwch y gall ad-daliadau gymryd hyd at 7 diwrnod i gael eu prosesu.
Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau, anfonwch e-bost at:
The theme for this year’s Colloquium is ‘A Connected Wales’. This theme has been chosen to reflect the Society's commitment to developing a cohesive and interdisciplinary research network in Wales, and to connect Welsh research with policy and practice.
The Colloquium is co-designed with our ECR Ambassadors and with the support of our Advisory Group for Researcher Development. It will feature interdisciplinary ECR research flash-talks and posters. These will explore how this research can inform knowledge of the wellbeing principles outlined in the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. ECR-led workshops will also be run throughout the morning on research impact, engagement and methods. The afternoon will include a two-hour interactive panel discussion on how to write competitive funding applications. This will be run by Fellows of the Society and speakers with expertise on grant applications, from experienced PI and bid writers to representatives from UK funding bodies. Prizes will be awarded for the best flash-talks and research posters.
We are thrilled to host our second Colloquium in partnership with the Integrated Research and Impact Support (IRIS) Service at Bangor University, and we hope you will be able to attend a day of networking and knowledge exchange facilitated by ECR Network members for ECRs.
Further information on our Colloquium Programme is available here.
Booking for the Colloquium opens on 13/05/2024, through Ticket Tailor. There are limited places to attend the Colloquium and we encourage anyone who wants to attend to book their place as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
During booking, you will be prompted to choose the offers that best match your needs. Please note that some of the offers will incur a fee, to be paid at the time of booking. To make the event as accessible as possible for ECRs, registration for the Colloquium is free. The LSW ECR Network will also support ECRs by providing reasonable travel and accommodation options and limited bursaries will be available upon request (please see details below).
The offers available are as follows:
- Colloquium, General Admission – Free
Registration for the Colloquium includes access to conference sessions, lunch and refreshments. - Overnight Accommodation - £40
Overnight accommodation for the night before the Colloquium (17th June) is available on-site in university halls, just a short walk from the colloquium centre. - Coach Service from Cardiff - £10
The coach will leave at 1:00pm from Cardiff University, Main Campus on Monday 17th June and return from Bangor at 4:15pm once the Colloquium has closed on Tuesday 18th June
Further information on these offers is included in the section ‘Accommodation and Travel bursaries’
Accommodation and Travel Bursaries
We have limited accommodation and travel bursaries available for those attending the Colloquium from Welsh institutions and organisations, please make sure you select the correct ticket when registering that corresponds to your needs.
Overnight accommodation for the night before the Colloquium (17th June) is available on-site in university halls, just a short walk from the Colloquium venue. Whilst we are subsidising the one-day conference, we ask you to pay £40 towards the accommodation booking fee. If you are unable to pay this fee, please let us know. Please see our ‘Cancellation Policy’ for further information.
Coach transfer has also been arranged for those travelling from south Wales. The coach will leave at 1:00pm from Cardiff University, Main Campus on Monday 17th June and return from Bangor at 4:15pm once the Colloquium has closed on Tuesday 18th June. There will be a non-refundable £10 fee for using this service.
If you require funding for alternative transport arrangements to attend the Colloquium, you should contact us before booking to ensure we can offer you a travel bursary to cover your cost.
Travel and accommodation options are limited and will be provided on a first-come first-served basis.
Photographs will be taken throughout the event, if you do not wish to be included in any images please notify the photographer or a member of the Colloquium team.
Cancellation Policy
If you are no longer able to attend the Colloquium, please let us know as soon as possible. You can receive a partial refund (£30) if you have booked accommodation and have notified us of your cancellation in writing/by email before the 10th June. Coach transfer fees cannot be refunded.
Please note that refunds may take up to 7 days to be processed.
If you have any queries, please email:
Neuadd Reichel | Reichel Hall, LL57 2TR