Hope In Action - Living Better with Less
Tue 27 Apr 2021 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM BST
Online, Zoom
More isn’t always better. It has been proved that living with excessive amounts of stuff does not make us happy. Understanding this simple wisdom is central to ensuring a hopeful and regenerative future for people and planet.
Join Charles Eisenstein, Amisha Ghadiali and Jen Gale as they explore how we can live well with less as we work together to create a better world for all.
Hosted by The Resurgence Trust and the Network of Wellbeing (NOW), this event will include talks from these visionary speakers, space for discussion and an interactive Q&A. Part of the Resurgence and NOW Hope in Action series, it will be an exploration of how we can maintain hope, wellbeing and resilience while co-creating a brighter, more beautiful future.
Amisha Ghadiali is the founder of The Future Is Beautiful; a podcast, book and community - which inspires grounded optimism weaving together activism, spirituality, regeneration and creativity. Amisha offers The Beautiful Leadership Immersion and One to One Mentoring which holds space for integrating these shifts into the way we live, work and play. She is the author of INTUITION, which she wrote in the global lockdown and believes to be a key skill of our time. As a writer, speaker and yoga facilitator, she has contributed to publications, festivals and events all over the world. www.amisha.co.uk
Charles Eisenstein is an esteemed international teacher, public speaker and writer who explores anti-consumerism, interdependence, and how myth and narrative influence culture. According to Charles, global culture is immersed in a destructive “story of separation”, and one of the main goals of his work is to present an alternative “story of interbeing”. Focusing on a range of themes including civilisation, consciousness, money and human cultural evolution, he is the author of many essays and books, including ‘Sacred Economics’, ‘Climate: A New Story’ and ‘The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible'.
Jen Gale is the author of ‘The Sustainable(ish) Living Guide’, a compendium of information to help everyone tread a little more lightly on the Earth. Since spending a year buying nothing new with her young family, Jen has become a passionate advocate for sustainable living. She writes and speaks about the power of the choices we make every day to change the world without changing our lives. To find out more, head to asustainablelife.co.uk
Tickets £8 (or £4 concession) including booking fee.
This event will raise money for The Resurgence Trust, an educational charity (no. 1120414) and the Network of Wellbeing, a registered charity (no. 295976).