Sat 1 Jun 2024 12:00 - 18:00 CEST
In & Around Südstern, 10961 Berlin
A micro-festival of storytelling + sound
Free Sessions, Workshops & Presentations
Start Times: 12:00 // 13:30 // 15:00 // 16:30 // +Afterparty
@ Fichtestraße 23
Album listening session relating to the festival themes. No talking. No phones. Just pause and listen.
13:30 // Stevie Wonder - Secret Life of Plants
15:00 // Jean-Luc Ponty - Individual Choice
16:30 // Prince - Piano & A Microphone
18:00 // Afterparty
Visit: unkompress
@ Lilienthalstraße 2A
Great literature is read aloud. We can say what we think and feel, or simply listen. You need bring only curiosity and openness. Sessions at 12:00 & 15:00 in German. Sessions at 13:30 and 16:30 in English.
Visit: Shared Reading
@ Gneisenaustraße 64
An experiential workshop of sound mapping in the neighborhood, open to all ages and best done with a friend.
Visit: Community Sound Lab
@ Körtestrasse
The Berlin School of Podcasting teaches the art and technology of digital audio storytelling. We will explore the fundamentals of podcasting - listening, voice & storytelling - and how to get started.
Visit: Berlin School of Podcasting
Big thanks to our media partner 20% Berlin