Open Circle | Online
Multiple dates and times
Online, Zoom
Weekly Mediumship Development Support
An Open Circle is for anyone who is curious about Spiritualism or exploring their mediumistic ability. Every week, an experienced volunteer will lead the circle and provide support for those who have questions.
Join us at 6 pm on Thursdays via ZOOM for the Open Circle.
What to Expect
Open Circle begins with a guided meditation which lasts about 30 minutes. The purpose of this meditation is to activate your mediumistic senses. Once it’s over, the person leading the circle will check-in with every one and ask them to share what they experienced with the group.
About Elizabeth Titterton
Elizabeth Titterton is a Clairvoyant Medium from the beautiful Mull of Kintyre in Scotland. She has been aware of her connection with Spirit since childhood.
Her work for Spirit has taken her to Canada, USA, Ireland and to various parts of the UK. Much of her early spiritual development was undertaken under the supervision of Gordon Smith’s Intuitive Studies Programme along with input from other important mentors and tools along the way.
Elizabeth offers private readings and she also works as a Platform Medium. She has also run development classes for those interested in developing their connection with Spirit.
Elizabeth believes that compassion is at the heart of all she offers spiritually. For her, the work with Spirit has always been about connecting in a heartfelt and personal way. She feels very privileged carrying out the work of Spirit.
About Sandra Aetheris
Sandra Aetheris is a Clairvoyant Medium. She has been aware of her connection to Spirit since childhood. It is strongly tied to her family. She is one of 12 children in a family where sensitivity to Spirit can be traced back at least four generations.
Her journey started with her family. Her brother who is in Spirit, appeared to her as a child at the foot of her bed. This was the first of many encounters with family members and people she did not know over the years. For a time, she referred to them as ‘shadow people’ but later came to know them as her guides and mentors.
Sandra believes Spirit is a source of strength and healing. As a cancer survivor, she believes Spirit helped her get through many challenges including a bone marrow transplant.
Sandra travels extensively sharing messages of love and reassurance from loved ones. Reinforcing the knowledge that their energy surrounds us always.
She teaches and encourages natural mediumship and believes there’s more than one way to connect with Spirit. She works with love and laughter – whether she is serving at church, on the platform or in private sittings.