How to feel like you're getting the parenting bit right
Tue 18 Jun 2024 8:00 PM - 8:45 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Join Jessica Chivers – psychologist, author and host of COMEBACK COACH - plus special guest, Anita Cleare, for HOW TO GET THE PARENTING BIT RIGHT (when you return to work and beyond). Submit a question when you book or ask Anita/Jessica live during the session.
About Anita Cleare
Anita is a parenting speaker, writer and coach who supports working parents to balance successful careers with being a parent.
With an academic background in developmental psychology, Anita has a talent for helping parents to step back and reflect on parent-child dynamics and implement small changes that make a huge difference.
Anita’s award-nominated advice blog ‘Thinking Parenting’ has been listed in The Sunday Times Magazine as a must-read for parents. Her book The Work/Parent Switch (UK) / The Working Parent’s Survival Guide (USA) outlines how working parents can use the bits of time left over when work is done to parent smartly and be the parent their child needs. (International editions available in German, Chinese, Romanian and Polish). She is currently writing a second book on parenting teenagers, due out in September 2024.
Anita speaks at events for working parents across the UK and internationally and delivers webinars for working parents at top global companies. Her advice is regularly featured in the media, including the BBC, CNBC, The Telegraph, and The Guardian.
An accredited Triple P® parenting facilitator, Anita has been working with parents for 20 years on all aspects of children’s behaviour and wellbeing.
How do I ask a question?
Two easy ways. You can send it in advance on the registration form or ask via the chat box on the night.
Why are you hosting Comeback Conversations?
We are on a mission to keep everyone everywhere feeling confident, connected and cared for when they take extended leave from work. These 'Comeback Conversations' are part of the Comeback Community™ employee experience and once our clients have had first dibs we once spare spots to everyone absolutely free.
Can I listen again later?
Recordings of Comeback Conversations are available to the people whose employers subscribe to the full Comeback Community™ experience.
You can listen to our podcast, COMEBACK COACH, free any time.
How do I get access?
We’d love your employer to bring the full Comeback Community™ employee experience to every colleague who’s taking maternity, shared parental leave, adoption leave, sabbatical or sick leave where you work. Introduce us to your HR team and you could receive a beautiful box of goodies (because we love sending postal joy to people who think of others).
Can I come in my PJs?
Yes! Come as you are in all your natural glory. In your PJs, in your sweaty gym gear, whatever you like. Listen whilst you’re cooking supper; watch whilst you’re feeding your baby; take us to the toilet or whilst you’re quaffing a glass of Sauvignon Blanc. We don’t care what you’re wearing, where you are or what you’re drinking (PJs may not be appropriate at work and please drink responsibly: hot chocolate and laptops don't mix). We just want you with us!
Do I have to say anything or can I just watch?
You can be completely anonymous just like you’re watching TV at home. Just leave your camera off and and you don’t even need to use your real name when you sign in if you prefer. We’ll have everyone on mute so you don’t have to worry about embarrassing sounds in the background.