MOTHERS WALK! Friday 8th March with Jessica Chivers
Fri 8 Mar 2024 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Rothamsted Research, AL5 2JQ
Coaching psychologist Jessica Chivers and her team at The Talent Keeper Specialists work with employers to help them keep employees feel confident, connected and cared for when they take extended leave from work, through the Comeback Community employee experience programme. This is your invitation to have a taste of that support.
Why are you hosting “Mothers Walk!”?
To offer something useful and positive for mothers returning to work from a break to mark International Women’s Day on Friday 8th March and Mothers’ Day on Sunday 10th March. I love coaching in person, know there’s benefit to sharing experiences among peers and research tells us we’re better at problem-solving when we’re on the move.
This year’s IWD theme is Invest in women: Accelerate progress.
Who is this for?
The session is aimed at mothers on maternity, adoption or shared parental leave or who returned to work in the last couple of years. I’m providing a space to talk through the thoughts, questions and worries about returning to work, career progression and working parenthood. You might also want to come along if you are about to return to work, or are recently returned to work after a different type of leave, for example ill health. Men are welcome too.
I can’t make Friday 8th March. Any alternatives?
- Do start listening to COMEBACK COACH, the podcast for people returning to work after a break. It’s recommended by HR leaders to their employees and is in the top 25% of most listened to podcasts. Find it on Apple, Spotify and listen on
- Come and join me on Instagram for daily psychology-based tips and ideas for your wellbeing, career development and better days at work @comebackcommuk.
- You might also like to read my book Mothers Work! How to Get a Grip on Guilt and Make a Smooth Return to Work.
- Subscribe to Caremail, my fortnightly thoughts to help your return to work and career development.
Where is Rothamsted and how do I get there?
Rothamstead Research Institute is in Harpenden, Hertfordshire. It’s a short walk from Harpenden train station, 15 minutes from Luton airport and 10 minutes from J9 and J10 of the M1. Parking is free.
Rothamsted Research
West Common
How long is the walk?
We’ll do a circular walk 11am – 12 noon around the Rothamsted estate and surrounding area. How far we go will depend how quickly we walk!
Will there be a drink and more chat after the walk?
There sure will. The good folk at Rothamsted have reserved us a space for (buy your own) drinks and food afterwards in the restaurant.
What will we talk about?
Anything that’s on your mind about work, career, parenting or combining the three. You can submit a Q when you register and I’ll work through those as we walk. We’ll also be able to carry on the conversation after the walk back in the restaurant at Rothamsted.
I find talking in a group a bit daunting…
Please come! You can ask Qs via the registration form if you don’t want to ask on the day. There’s also the opportunity to have a 5 minute solo chat with Jessica in the 12-1pm refreshment slot.
Will it still go ahead if it’s pouring it down?
YES! We won’t walk, we’ll just talk in the warm and dry of the restaurant at Rothamsted.
Can I bring my child(ren)?
Babes in slings/backpack carriers are welcome. If you can come without parenting responsibility so you can focus on YOU that would be ideal.
Can I turn up on the day without registering?
No, we do need you to register. If plans need to change last minute we need to be able to contact you.
Rothamsted Research, AL5 2JQ