Games Transformed
Sun 28 May 2023 10:00 AM - 11:45 PM BST
Pelican House, London, E1 5QJ
The World Transformed and the IWGB Game Workers and UTAW trade unions invite you to Games Transformed, a day festival celebrating how playing, discussing and designing games can help us imagine, demand, and build a better society!
There will be talks and workshops, the opportunity to play great games, both digital and tabletop, and a lot of the coolest nerds you could ever meet.
The festival is the culmination of the Games Transformed Game Jam. A whole bunch of eager teams will have been working on brand new games showcasing progressive politics for the month before the event. Attendees will be able to play them for the first time, before they head to this year’s main TWT in a custom-built arcade machine, joining social media sensation Thatcher’s Techbase. If you fancy it, there’s still time to get involved yourself! Just head to this page.
Talks, panels, workshops, and games: 10:00 - 18:00
Radical Bingo, games, vibes: 18:00 - late
There will PCs and gaming tables set up to play the games produced in the jam, plus:
- People Make Games journalist and Editor of Shut Up and Sit Down, Quintin Smith in conversation with Gareth Damian Martin, developer of the critically-acclaimed Citizen Sleeper.
- A chance to play Daybreak, the new board game by Matteo Menapace and Pandemic designer Matt Leacock, releasing this summer.
- Thatcher’s Techbase: Arcade Edition, now with two-player mode!
- An Organising 101 Workshop by IWGB and a panel on organising in the games industry featuring organisers from IWGB Game Workers, UTAW, and Equity.
- The Accidental Death of an Anarchist Popup Escape Game by Create An Escape
- Solidarity Bingo
- …and much more!
To find out out more about The World Transformed, visit our website and follow us on Twitter.
Got questions about the event or the jam? Need a free ticket? Email
Pelican House, London, E1 5QJ