Beg Modern: Graham Technique
Tue Jul 30, 2024 - Wed Jun 25, 2025
Dorothea Laub Dance Place, Suite 205, 92106
This beginning level modern dance class is rooted in Graham technique. Class begins with a short warm-up to help lengthen and ground our bodies. We then start technique on the floor, where we introduce and train in classic Graham floor exercises - bounces, breathings, spirals in 3s & 6s, seated contractions, deep stretches, turns around the back, pleadings, etc. Transitioning to standing, we move to center work - plies, brushes, changes around the ankle, adagio, etc. As time allows, we'll end with exercises and phrases across the floor - triplets, prances, jumps, etc. We focus primarily on technique exercises, developing strength and deeper understanding of Graham technique, which has its own unique movement language.
This class is geared towards both beginning dancers and more experienced dancers who are new to Graham technique.
*Recommendation - If you have difficulty sitting on the floor with your back straight up and legs extended out in front, we recommend that you bring a yoga mat or towel/blanket. These items may be folded and placed under the seat for floor exercise modifications.
Dorothea Laub Dance Place
2650 Truxtun Rd
Suite 205
San Diego, CA 92106
Martha Graham is often considered the mother of American modern dance. Although there were several others before her who helped pioneer the dance genre, Graham was one of the first to codify her technique into a language that could be taught with consistency. It has been passed on through generations of dancers, allowing Graham Technique to remain strong and alive today. Built on the contraction, release, high arch, spiral, and tilt, Graham Technique not only has a distinct and recognizable physical aesthetic, it also has deep emotional resonance. In her works, Graham always delved into the recesses of our hearts and souls to find both the darkness and the light. Her movements bring to the surface what resides deep inside us. A consistent and thoughtful Graham practice will not only transform and strengthen the body, but it will also enliven the mind, and liberate the soul.
"Dance is a song of the body. Either of joy or pain." - Martha Graham
Dorothea Laub Dance Place, Suite 205, 92106