Metals 100-101: Part 1 Certification Series
Multiple dates and times
TinkerMill MJ&L Shop, 80501
Metals 100-101: Intro to Metal-Craft
This class is crafted to introduce you to the Metalcraft, Jewelry and Lapidary shop; get you started on your path to full independent use of the shop; teach you safety and best practices in this shop environment.
This is part one of a series of three classes that build upon one another, be sure to sign up for all three!
- Attendance and Introductions
- Overview of expectations and Safety
- Shop Orientation
- Tool Demos
- Project overview and timing
- Begin Working
We will begin the class with attendance and introductions, it is important for each member of the class to know who they are working with so we may be amicable while working together. Communication is the first and key way of staying safe in a shop situation.
Once we have completed the sign-in and introduction portion of our class, we will move on to some expectations of behavior while in the shop and working. Then orientation, in which you will discover where to find tools and supplies you may need while working in the shop. The tools you will need for the first portion of this series class will be on the bench, we will discover tool by tool where they are to go when finished.
The next event on our agenda is to begin using the tools, I will first demo use of the first few tools. You will then cut your metal (provided with the class) and begin the first steps of the project. When the class has completed the first steps there will be another demo, and more work time. This will continue until we reach the end of the class or stopping point for the project in this class.
Remember this is a series style class where you will create an object over the course of three classes, additionally earning independent use of the shop at the same time. It is not possible to take these classes out of order. It is possible to take them spaced out if needs be, for example if you have a schedule conflict with the next class you may look ahead to the following month when this class is offered again. You may not skip any order of the certification series. Those that need extra time with instruction, guidance or just work time may visit our open studios every First and Second Saturday of the month from 1-3 pm. Private tutoring is available through your instructor, Crystal Hinds, if desired.
Ages 14+ only
The instructor for this class is MJ&L Shop Captain, Crystal Hinds. If you have questions, please email Members can direct message on Slack!
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TinkerMill MJ&L Shop, 80501