Woodshop Instructions to Access In-Person Classes
Multiple dates and times
Online & TinkerMill Woodshop, 80501
Please read in entirety to learn how to get scheduled for an in-person woodshop class:
Welcome to the TinkerMill Woodshop. Depending on what you want to do in the woodshop you will need to complete different classes. Everyone that uses the woodshop will need to take the Online Woodshop Safety and Policies Class (S&P) first and foremost. (For those using the woodshop regularly, this should be reviewed annually). This is a free online class and goes over basic policies and safety in the shop and allows you to use all hand told and hand power tools after. There is no physical component to the class, simply watch the video and take the quiz.
The other classes also require watching online videos and taking the quizzes prior to the hands-on session with an instructor to verify your understanding of the tools use and safety. When you have completed the quiz for a class you are automatically placed in the woodshop class queue. You can see the class queue here (there is a separate queue for each class along the tabs on the bottom of the spreadsheet). After you get on the queue, you may schedule yourself for an In-Person Certification Session (IPCS) at the link here. The instructor, Erik Akia, has dates listed with the ability to teach two students different classes each hour. You may list your name in time slots once your name is in the appropriate class queue with the S&P completed check box.
Erik will create a payment link for your class closer to the class date.
- IPCS's are scheduled based on the number of people on the woodshop class queue. If you have watched the video and taken the quiz to get in the class queue for the class you want, feel free to post in the #woodshop channel of Slack or DM Shop Captain, Erik Akia, if you don't think one is being scheduled quickly enough.
- The queue does not give any priority for signing up - it is first come first served.
- After 3 months of being on the woodshop class queue and not responding to available IPCS offerings, your name will be removed from the queue and you will need to start over for that class. If you need more time, please contact Erik to ask for an extension. (erik.akia@tinkermill.org, Erik Akia on Slack is best for members)
Depending on what you want to do in the woodshop, you will need to complete the different classes listed below (these can be taken in any order):
Woodshop 101:
This class is required for people that would like to use the drill press, miter saw, band saws, table top disc and belt sander, router table, and panel saw.
Prerequisites: Woodshop Safety & Policies Class
$52.50 for members/$70 for non-members - must watch all videos below and take quiz to register (about 1hr 15min total)
- Drill Press (6 min)
- Miter Saw (24 min)
- Band Saws (5 min)
- Table top disc and belt sander (3 min)
- Router Table (31 min)
- Panel Saw (4 min)
- Dust Collection System (6 min)
After watching the above videos, take this quiz (which will put you in the queue for this class after you submit it).
The instructor will email you to schedule an IPCS in which you will demonstrate that you can use each of the tools safely by making a simple wooden spoon.
Lastly, you should submit a class assessment form.
Additional resources: Woodshop 101 Class Handout
Woodshop 201:
How to make a piece of wood flat, straight and square using the combo jointer/planer machine and drum sander.
Prerequisites: Woodshop Safety & Policies Class (101 does not have to be taken first.)
$52.50 for members/$70 for non-members - must watch all videos below and take quiz to register.
After watching the above videos, take this quiz (which will put you in the queue for this class after you submit it).
The instructor will email you to schedule an IPCS in which you will demonstrate that you can use each of the tools safely by face planing on the jointer a piece of wood until you have one flat face and then using the jointer to make an edge square to the flat face. Use the thickness planer to plane the thickness to ½” and make the other face parallel to the flat face. Use the drum sander to sand the stock.
Lastly, you should submit a class assessment form.
Additional resources: Woodshop 201 Class Handout & Hammer A3-41 Operator Reference
Covers how to use the Sawstop table saw including basic safety, parts of the saw, hot to rip cut, how to cross cut, how to change the blade, how to set up and use the dado blade for dados and rabbets, and overview of accessory jigs and fixtures.
Prerequisites: Woodshop Safety & Policies Class (101 & 201 do not have to be taken first.)
$52.50 for members/$70 for non-members - must watch all videos below and take quiz to register.
After watching the above videos, take this quiz (which will put you in the queue for this class after you submit it).
The instructor will email you to schedule an IPCS in which you will demonstrate that you can use the table saw safely demonstrating the activities from the video.
Lastly, you should submit a class assessment form.
Other classes available: (all also require the Woodshop Safety & Policies Quiz Online as a prerequisite - details at the top of this page)
- Wood Lathe (Spindle Class) - complete videos and quiz homework here to get on the queue and contact woodlathe@tinkermill.org (Instructor Steven Strauch)
- ShopBot - ShopBot homework here - shopbot@tinkermill.org (Instructor Ben Bohren)
For more details, see the woodshop instructional document here.
Online & TinkerMill Woodshop, 80501