Put Together an FM Radio: Soldering Certification
Multiple dates and times
TinkerMill Electronics Shop, 80501
Build an FM Radio
Learn to solder and build yourself an FM radio! In this course, you will learn to solder through hole components and some surface mount components to a circuit board. Whether you're new or somewhat experienced, come learn and end up taking home an FM radio!
Ages 10+ welcome *legal guardian supervision required
If you have questions about this class you may contact the instructor of this class: Shop Captain tyler.dow@tinkermill.org. Members, please direct message on Slack if you have any questions.
Not a member yet? We invite and encourage you to become a member. Members receive a discounted price on all classes and enjoy other benefits as well including independent access to our shops after certification. Interested? Learn more and sign up online at tinkermill.org.
TinkerMill Electronics Shop, 80501