Foundry 101 - Basic Foundry Introduction into Aluminum Sand Casting (General Certification)
Sat Apr 5, 2025 8:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Tinkermill Foundry Shop, 80501
This is the TinkerMill Foundry introduction course and is required for one to use the foundry independently. The primary objective of this class is to teach you how to safely and effectively use the Foundry for sand casting aluminum. You gain the knowledge & hands-on experience necessary to safely use the sand Mixer, Furnace, create basic sand molds for casting and melt & casting aluminum. You will have time in this class to do the required four (4) metal pours for independent use of the shop. This is a long class from three (3) to four (4) hours in length. Note, prior to taking this course one must take the below prerequisite.
Prerequisites: Before taking this course everyone will need to review the Rules & Procedures and Core Foundry Safety Policies documentation and pass the online quiz (80% to pass). Links can be found below; if you have any issues with viewing the Links please contact the Shop Captain:
Rules and Policies Documentation (Link: Foundry - Safety & Policies Class' Documentation.pdf)
Quiz - Foundry Safety and Policies Quiz (Link:
NOTE: Proper shop attire is required in order to participate in this class. You must wear non-synthetic clothing and natural material shoes that cover your feet. This is for your safety while using the foundry shop.
The cost of this class is $70.00 for Members and $93.50 for Non-Members.
Not a member yet? We invite and encourage you to become a member. Members receive a discounted price on all classes and enjoy other benefits as well! Interested? Sign up in person or online at
*Minors ages 15-17 may use the shop but must have a certified legal guardian present with them in the shop at all times.
**Minors Note: this is for General Certification for and use in the Foundry shop at TinkerMill. Please check in with our Shop Captain(s) to inquire about possible classes for Minors ages 12-14
If you have any questions, please contact the Shop Captain, Thomas Farrell.
Tinkermill Foundry Shop, 80501