Introduction to Surface Mount Soldering: SMT Oven Certification
Multiple dates and times
TinkerMill Electronics Shop, 80501
Introduction to Surface Mount Soldering
Surface Mount Soldering
is a newer type of soldering that allows you to design more complex and compact boards. Using solder paste and tweezers, you just place your components. You don't even really need to place the components super precisely to make it work. In this class, you will learn how to place components and make sure polarity is correct.
Training on the Reflow Ovens.
Rather than heating single components at a time, we heat all up in a special oven to melt all the solder at once. This class will show you how to navigate the menu and know what ramp profile to choose for your components and solder.
A little bit of Soldering with an Iron and testing.
After soldering most of the components with the reflow oven, we will move into soldering a couple of components by hand and testing the circuit boards.
16+ only with legal guardian supervision.
If you have questions about this class you may contact the instructor of this class: Shop Captain Members, please direct message on Slack if you have any questions.
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TinkerMill Electronics Shop, 80501