Introduction to Sewing and Textiles
Fri Jan 17, 2025 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
TinkerMill, 80501
We will be doing a session introducing the textiles shop, its tool set and the variety of sewing machines we have available. Focus will be placed on introducing the home sewing machines as well as sewing machine fundamentals.
We will also discuss a variety of supply and application subjects ranging from thread and fabrics, through use of the cutting table, and the variety of tools we have available in the shop.
In general this class will be "student focused" and responsive to the desires and directions students may want to pursue.
Class completion should be your gateway for learning to sew,, learning to sew better, or at least, learning to sew efficiently at Tinkermill with tools we have. Ongoing practice and usage of the machines are the best recipe for gaining comfort and ability to use these as functional tools.
18+ only
If you have questions about this class you may contact the instructor of this class: Members, please message on Slack.
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TinkerMill, 80501