A holistic approach to SEN
Thu 7 Dec 2023 09:00 - 15:00
Kingston Park Stadium, NE13 8AF
Welcome to the world of Toucan Education! Our mission is to empower educators and help them provide holistic learning to their students. We have successfully drawn together the tools and techniques that have proven to be highly successful across the North East, and we want to share them with you. Philippa Vince, Toucan's CEO will be leading her team of skilled practitioners to share strategies to improve well being, focus, self regulation and attitudes to learning. We are delighted to have Neil and Sarah as our key-note speakers.
Neil MacKay is a freelance consultant and trainer who created the concept of Dyslexia Friendly Schools He is an experienced teacher who has taught for 26 years, working with children with a wide range of ages, needs and ability. He is known for his ability to bring the classroom into his training and for providing lively, entertaining and thought provoking opportunities for teachers and teaching assistants to reflect on and develop their practice. His audiences particularly appreciate his ability to offer workable responses to a range of learning needs, including AD(H)D, Asperger's Syndrome and Dyspraxia in ways which meet diverse learning needs without affecting the work of the rest of the class.
He will be giving techniques to help improve memory and retain learnt skills in the classroom.
Sarah Tobin is an EFT practitioner and trainer
EFT Tapping Is a self-healing tool that allows you to truly let go.
The ultimate brain hack that sends a signal to the amygdala in the brain that switches off the fight, flight, freeze response. This reduces the cortisol and adrenaline in the blood, allowing the body to return to a relaxed state. You can learn it in just 5 minutes.
Sarah will explain how to facilitate tapping in your class to help improve well being, anxiety and confidence.
The Dyscalculia Network helps parents and teachers find support for those struggling with all aspects of numeracy.
They will be giving tips on how teach times tables to children who find remembering times tables challenging.
We will have a range of exhibition stands showcasing a range of resources to support students: Penguin Planet, SEN Books and more!
Kingston Park Stadium, NE13 8AF