Keep On The Borderlands XII Kingmaker
Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:00 PM - Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:00 PM
Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds, 46122
"Nestled in the wilds between three mighty Kingdoms blessed by the Phoenix, the Broken Lands are a realm forgotten by time and reclaimed by those outside the laws of society and nature. Charged with stabilizing the region, the three Kingdoms have sent their bravest adventurers forth. Standing in opposition are bandits, barbarians, ancient empires, and dark plots that have been hatching for an age.
Who has the fortitude to best these foes and bring civilization to this realm? The strength and courage to build instead of destroy, to raise hope instead of sow discord, to defend instead of annihilate?
Who can unite the Broken Lands?"
Welcome to the Ticket Page for Keep on The Borderlands 12: Kingmaker
All event information will be posted on our Facebook event page, the TriKingdom North Keep page , and the Keep website as it comes. This WILL be an in person event. Vaccinated and unvaccinated players may attend. Unvaccinated players WILL be required to wear a mask; this may change. Please refer to the event Covid-19 protocol. This event may be canceled if the COVID-19 situation gets worse. Please do not be afraid to ask questions on the Facebook page.
General Admission Ticket price includes- entrance, camping site, sponsored meals, battle games, Nightquest, MHOG Cup, Rage Kage, Cultural Showdown (A&S Tourney), A&S classes, and immersive ambiance.
Premier Dinner Ticket price includes- one special meal with entertainment on Friday night
RV Ticket price includes- electrical AND water hookups $20/Night
These black and white booklets that will be shipped or given at the event. These are self contained Pathfinder stories inspired by "Kingmaker" with an Amtgard twist.
- $10/Individually (You will be asked which module at purchase)
- Adventure's Path- $45 for ALL SIX modules!
"Players are tasked with forging a new nation out of the harsh realm known as the Broken Lands. Struggling against the wilderness and the machinations of would-be tyrants, they uncover more mysteries than any new rulers have time for, and must race against the clock to save their people and their realm from unimaginable dangers ripped out of both ancient history and forgotten legend."
Module 1: The Broken Lands
Module 2: Red Rivers
Module 3: The Varnhold Vanishing
Module 4: Blood for Blood
Module 5: War of the River Kings
Module 6: The Sound of a Thousand Screams
Add Yourself As A NPC In The Modules- $15: players persona's will be written into the story line that is spread across all six (6) modules.
Advertise In The Modules- $15: a person may place a half page (approx. size- legal document) advertisement that will appear in all six (6) modules. These MUST be PG-13 in content.
Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds, 46122