True Texan Day at the Capitol
Mon Mar 3, 2025 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM CST
Texas State Capitol, 78701
Join True Texas Project Citizen Advocates for TRUE TEXAN DAY at the Capitol! We'll have a full day of activities for you, including a tour of the Capitol Building, a meeting with a State-Wide elected officer, legislative update from legislators, visits to your own House Representatives and Senators, and some fun games along the way. Students are welcome and this is a great opportunity to introduce them to state government, and basic civics. Registration is required so we can make plans to accommodate everyone, but there is no fee involved.
Check in at 11:00 am in Room E2.1002 of the Capitol Extension. From there you will receive the specific agenda for the day. We are offering a purchased box lunch option, or you can purchase lunch at the Capitol Grill or bring a brown bag lunch.
When you register, you will be asked two questions (which are required) - what is your House District number and your Senate District number? If you don't know, please look it up! Here's a link to find who represents you in Texas. Just enter your address, and it will tell you the district numbers, as well as the name of the Representative or Senator.
We'll try to arrange transportation for anyone who needs it. There may be a small fee to cover costs. If you need transportation, please enter a "I need transportation" registration. When you enter the name(s) for transportation you MUST indicate which county you live in. (example: Mary Jones, Brazos County) Once we know who is going and from what areas, we'll contact you about potential transportation arrangements.
There's a lot of walking involved so wear your comfy shoes, your TTP Shirts or Hats, and show everyone in Austin how True Texans roll!
Texas State Capitol, 78701