The First 100 Days: Panel Discussion on the Progress of the Labour Government
Wed 6 Nov 2024 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
**Due to the Autumn budget clashing with our original date of October 30, this event has now been moved to November 6**
This event will take place 112 days after the King's Speech on the 17th July, in which the new Labour Government outlined their plan for government. As this panel meets, CBD COP 16 will be underway in Colombia, the US electorate will have just decided their next President, and the venues for COP 29 will be preparing to welcome delegates on November 11th.
Against this backdrop of change and uncertainty, our panellists will discuss the progress and direction of the UK's Labour government in tackling the climate and nature crises on the domestic and international stage. We will assess the opportunities the government has taken as well as those it may have missed in an effort to provide clarity, food for thought, and direction on what to look out for in the next era of environmental politics.
More information, including the panellist list, will be announced in the near future.