Spiritual Economics | An Intro to Unity Prosperity Principles with Jeannine Hedberg, LUT
Mon Jan 8, 2024 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST
Unity of Naples, 34112
NOTE: This is an 8-week course held on campus each Monday at 6:30pm from January 8th through February 26th. A free introductory class will be offered on Sunday, December 31st at Noon following Sunday Service. No registration is required for the free intro class.
Join Licensed Unity Teacher Jeannine Hedberg for a deep dive into the experience of true abundance.
Spiritual Economics has guided thousands through difficult prosperity challenges. Author Eric Butterworth believed that prosperity has nothing to do with the economic fluctuations of the world and everything to do with belief in oneself. Learn to fine-tune your attitude about money, spirituality, and personal prosperity through this eye-opening group study.
The book is required reading for this in-person course, and can be purchased HERE. Please read pages 1 - 32 prior to the first class on January 8th.
Find out more about our Spiritual Community: https://www.unitynaples.org
Unity of Naples, 34112