Connecting With Industry
Mon 22 Jan 2024 10:00 - Wed 24 Jan 2024 17:00
Edgbaston Park hotel, B15 2RS
Location: In person, Edgbaston Park Hotel, University of Birmingham
Aimed at: All Years
Duration: 3 Days
CENTA Training Credits: 6
Training Area(s): Engagement, Impact and Enterprise, Personal Effectiveness, Research Management
Did you know: approximately 50% of CENTA graduates choose to work in Industry after graduation?
CENTA have teamed up with professional trainers Skillfluence to deliver a session which should be of interest to any PhD student who thinks they might work for, or with, the commercial sector in the future - or who might mentor students who wish to do so. Even for those wishing to stay in Academia, with the increasing focus on 'porosity' and mobility between academic and commercial sectors researchers in the UK by major funders such as the UKRI and the Wellcome Trust, this workshop is in the interest to any STEM PGR to attend.
This programme equips researchers with the skills and confidence required to connect with and work more effectively with industry. Participants will learn practical tools and processes to help them explore opportunities, discover where they can add value, improve their business acumen, communicate their value to industry and take a strategic approach to industry-centric networking.
The programme benefits researchers by helping them to:
- Engage with industry with more confidence by using the “language of business”.
- Understand the importance of their expertise to the economy and society.
- Apply a framework to develop relationships and build meaningful links with industry.
For more information about the programme, see: Connecting with Industry - Skillfluence
The Draft Schedule is as below:
Day 1: 10-13:00 Skillfluence 'Connecting with Industry'
13:00 Lunch
Afternoon Sessions
17:00 Close
Day 2:
9:00-13:00 Skillfluence sessions focussed on preparing the participants to gain
maximum value from the afternoon alumni and networking session.
13:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00: CENTA DTP team to invite a panel of CENTA alumni who have gone into
industry to share their experiences with our current students.
16:00-18:00 A drinks reception for networking
Day 3:
10-13:00 Skillfluence sessions
13:00 Lunch
13:00-16:00 Skillfluence sessions
Please note, the event is catered.
CENTA students only: expenses can be claimed from the core CENTA budget in line with the UoB Expenses Policy. CENTA registrants will be sent a form to fill in with their accommodation and travel requirements.
Edgbaston Park hotel, B15 2RS